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Special Sessions

The special sessions delivered at 4:00 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will wrap up as of May 29th as physicians prepare to resume more regular routines. Dr. Kinley and Dr. Chiasson thank all the presenters, residents and medical students who gave generously of their time and expertise to help Nova Scotian physicians prepare themselves, their teams and their families to respond and cope with the demands of COVID-19. 


The Doctors Nova Scotia Professional Support Program is always available to respond to your individual needs and our mental health teams will be there to back you up in the months ahead. More resources are also available on the COVID-19 Support and Resources website.

There will also be wellness activities being initiated on a regular basis through Nova Scotia Health Leadership and Development program. The pandemic has helped bring into clear view the need to better support our physician colleagues and physicians health Has been identified as a priority.


Upcoming Groups

Balint Group

Dr. Nicole Herschenhous and Dr. Ali Manning are offering an evening virtual Balint group for those physicians who are interested in this type of support during the pandemic.  


Balint groups are closed groups of 8-14 physicians who use case-based discussion to provide and receive support around emotions and ethical dilemmas arising in their work.  These groups have been shown to reduce burn-out while improving communication skills and empathy. 


For more information and to register, click here or email

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